Sunday, July 24, 2011

Triple R Interview 2011 (runtime 9.37min)

This is the interview I did with Triple R (102.7FM) earlier this year. The sound file doesn't work so I've had to layer it over some images and post it as a "video". It was part of a series on 'Faith'. I hope you like it. It gives an intimate insight into our it through to the end...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Triple R radio promo for our trivia night...Come...

To book email: OR
Come its for a great cause Sunday 31st July 5pm.

Friday, July 15, 2011

BabyTree's 2011 Trivia Night...the details...

* Click on image to enlarge.
We say...Test your brains - Change the world...

When: SUN 31st July 5-10pm

Where: Gertrude's Brown Couch, 30 Gertrude Street Fitzroy

What: A night of trivia and entertainment
- Lots of prizes
- Chance to prove you're smart
- Great items for auction
- Help provide a secondary school for Anlong Kraing
- Glory

Entry: $25...all profits go to the cause.

Form a team, our last trivia sold out so pls book to make sure you're in.
Email: OR

Online auction leading up to the day of the event coming a week before actual event. (UPDATE: It will go live one day before event now...)

Saben La Ohhh ( Khmer for sweet dreams)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

BabyTree's Trivia Night 2011

BabyTree's trivia night will be Sunday 31st of July 5pm at the Brown Couch Gertrude street...all the awesome details...posted tomorrow! Click here for Facebook event page for details.