Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Hole Village Cows

Just a little note to report that we have purchased cows as promised for Big Hole Village primary school. The right to name the cows was won by Diana D (congratulations and thank you for supporting us). The naming of the cows, there are three, is a great privilege and Diana thought carefully. We are happy to announce that the cows, which are actually just calfs at the moment are named, Luna, Stella and Astrid. Name tags will be made for them soon. As yet we have been unable to get a photo of the beautiful cows, but I promise to post them as soon as I get them. (The picture above is not of the actual cow).

The cows will allow the children to learn the valuable skill of taking care of livestock. The cows will also assist in the upkeep of the vegetable garden, plowing the fields and providing manure. They will also contribute to generating an income through the selling of excess crop and the sale of offspring (if they have babies).

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life is Beautiful - Video launch - Wrap up

Okay, I have been busy since the finish of our last event. Before I tell you what I have been busy with I would like to say that the video launch was a huge success. Apart from managing to raise over $3,600 dollars we also received the most encouraging, beautiful and positive feedback. One thing we did forget to do was to take photos because we were all extremely busy on the night. Which is how it should be. If I can find a photo I will try and put that up for your viewing pleasure ;)

In the meantime I have given two presentations about my experience in Cambodia to staff at World Vision Australia and the overwhelming response from that has been incredible. People have begun sharing their stories with me and it's amazing to experience. We have definitely managed to gather more supporters for our cause.

I am also busy at university and cannot wait for that to be over ;)

We have two events with definite dates coming up so keep them free.

The first is on SUN 10th April at E55 Elizabeth Street Melbourne. Its time to dance, party and change the world.

The second is on TUE 17th May at Sun Theatre, Yarraville. It will be a movie night plus more activities.

Finally, I have been busy organising our next Campaign to be launched in June. Wait for the details, it will be an amazing launch.

Oh and how can I forget. I'm also writing a book. Everything about it is top secret at the moment. But like everything else I do, I hope you are going to love it.


***I did manage to find a photo, this is a picture of my mum. Its the earliest photo I have of her and I use it during my presentations***

***And below some more from the night, although mostly behind the scenes stuff***

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Video Launch was amazing...

I just want to salute all our friends that came tonight. It was amazing. The video will be published on youtube soon. And updates will be posted soon. I didnt take any photos because I was busy. But Im sure we got some. proper update later. Just got home and have a full day of intensive university classes soon.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Video Lauch Update/Map

Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well, can't wait to see you there and if you are a maybe then here's 5 reasons why you should come ;)

1) You get the chance to name the school cows (There's three), seriously, when will you ever get this chance again?

2) Help us bring quality education to the doorsteps of the most amazing kids.

3) Watch a painting being created live by an amazing artist.

4) Finger foods: (which are complimentary) will be traditional Cambodian spring rolls, curry puffs, and Mint chicken salad. We have vegetarian options too because we look after vegetarians. Also a Khmer sweet called Nomgom. Little pyramids wrapped in banana leaves.

5) Chris Judd personally signed guernsey to be auctioned off, silently.

* For those that dont know where the Carlton Football club is: Here is a link to the map, You enter via royal parade, plenty of free parking available and trams go right past it. Look for green balloons at car park entry: http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode&q=Visy+Park%2C+Carlton+North%2C+Victoria&aq=0&sll=-25.335448%2C135.745076&sspn=43.569223%2C81.474609&ie=UTF8&hq=Visy+Park%2C&hnear=Optus+Oval%2C+Melbourne+Victoria+3054&ll=-37.776922%2C144.96314&spn=0.01869%2C0.042915&z=15

Any questions call us on: 0426 270 634

Koky on behalf of the BabyTree crew.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Life is Beautiful - Video Launch Details

Dear Babytreers!!!

Well its been a while but the time has come for us to have our first event of 2011. This one is going to be a cracker so hope you can make it and bring your friends, details as follows (flyer attached):

BTP humbly invites you to a screening of "Life is Beautiful" - A short film about how the innocence of a child can overcome the darkest evil.

See our trailers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oRVS6-EnYc and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OdfMWHZtYI&feature=related

Help change the world by joining us on this night and learn more about a unique organisation that grew from a child's belief that the world could change for the better.

When: Saturday March 19th 2011.
Time: 6.30pm-10pm * * Screening is at 7.30PM * *
Where: Carlton Football Club, Visy Park, Royal Parade, Carlton Nth 3053. (Entry via royal parade, look for green balloons at car park entrance. Plenty of free on-site parking).

$20 entry includes, screening of the film, a copy of the DVD and delicious finger foods PLUS know that all profits goes towards our crucial and inspiring work in Cambodia. We rely solely on volunteers here in Australia, Japan and Canada and of course Cambodia.

ALSO there will be music...a bar...finger foods...BTP merchandise...and...DANCING...
* Incredible door prizes...
* Lolly Jar Competition to buy the school a cow.
* And the opportunity to name the COW!!!
* The opportunity to unite with us in our 'Donate a dollar - Build a school' campaign
* Children welcome (entry for kids gold coin donation)

So...Dance the Night Away - Change the World......

For the latest updates visit our blog (website under reconstruction): http://kokysaly.blogspot.com/


Koky on behalf of
The BabyTree Projects Crew
MP: 0426 270 634

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Touring the venue...This is where we will roll...

* Sophia & Adam (the Head Dancer of the Melbourne Jew Glee Club) reveals to us the theatre we will be using. 80 seats for the important people and about 20 places for peope we kind of like on the steps.

* Mel trying to edit the video.